
how to dart a lace trim by hand

Darting lace trim by hand is a great way to add a unique touch to any garment. It can be used to create a fitted look, or to add a decorative element to a garment. Darts are small folds of fabric that are sewn into the fabric to create a shape. When darting lace trim, the same principles apply, but the process is slightly different.

The first step in darting lace trim is to measure the area where the dart will be placed. Measure the length and width of the area, and mark the center point. This will be the starting point for the dart.

Next, fold the lace trim in half, lengthwise, and pin it in place. Make sure the pins are placed securely, as the lace trim will need to be held in place while you sew.

Once the lace trim is pinned in place, use a ruler to draw a line from the center point to the edge of the lace trim. This line will be the guide for the dart.

Now, it’s time to start sewing. Begin by stitching along the line you drew, from the center point to the edge of the lace trim. Make sure to backstitch at the beginning and end of the line to secure the stitches.

lace trim

Once the line is sewn, fold the lace trim in half, so that the two edges of the dart meet. Pin the edges together, and then stitch along the edge of the dart. Make sure to backstitch at the beginning and end of the line to secure the stitches.

Once the dart is sewn, press it with an iron to flatten it. This will help the dart to lay flat and look neat.

lace trim

Finally, trim any excess lace trim from the edges of the dart. This will help the dart to look neat and tidy.

Darting lace trim by hand is a great way to add a unique touch to any garment. It’s a simple process that can be done quickly and easily, and the results are sure to impress. With a few simple steps, you can create a beautiful, fitted look with lace trim.

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